Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a Higher Education Institution?
Yes, the Institution is authorized to operate under articles L731-1 and L731-6 of the Code de l’éducation de la République Française. It is registered by the French Government under # 0862003720
Is the VAE Law (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience) procedure legal in France?
Absolutely, it is a law signed by the French Prime Minister on January 17, 2002, regulating the VAE procedure. The VAE mandates French universities to grant full degrees based on experience, exactly similar to the "classic ones". The...
Are you Accredited?
The Institution is a legal French Private Institution of Higher Education following the "Code de l’Éducation de la République Française". It has the right to grant degrees as per Article L-731-14 of the French Code of Education.
Are your degrees accepted by other universities?
For the USA, most of the time, a credential evaluation by a US evaluator is necessary, as for all foreign degrees. Each university has its own recognition procedure; therefore, no university can guarantee that its degrees will be accepted everywhere...
Who are your professors, and are they qualified?
Judge for yourself; see their Ph.D. degrees and unique University teaching experience. Click to see the quality of the report of one of our VAE jury members.
Will I have transcripts for my studies?
No, we will not "invent" courses and grades. VAE means "Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience", which is "Validation of knowledge through experience". Following a procedure defined by the Law, a jury of a French university may decide that the accumulation...
May I see a copy of your diplomas?
Absolutely not! We are somewhat offended when people ask for a "specimen of our diploma" for the following reasons: We must add that French Institutions of Higher education are notorious for their "below-average-looking diplomas", and generally do.
Could I get a Gown when I graduate?
Yes, you can. Contrary to other French universities, the institution rehabilitates the formal and traditional University gowns, called "Toges". You may order it after graduation at the institution boutique.
Could I get two degrees from you at the same time?
Forget for a moment your own system of education and think "French". The VAE recognizes work experience associated or not with previous studies as equivalent to a certain educational level. Therefore, it forbids us to give two degrees at the same time.
Should I take additional courses to receive a French Diploma?
It depends, but the VAE authorizes granting "Certificats" entirely based on experience. From the "equivalence formula" located on Our Degrees Page, you can foresee your possible educational level.
I need a letter of invitation to enter France, could I get one from your institution?
Absolutely not. We are a registered French university specialized in the VAE procedure, not a way to circumvent French and European immigration laws.
Could I request a specific GPA or impose a specific name or level?
Certainly not! Our "Juries de VAE" are independent and sovereign. You may earn a degree from a French Private Institution of Higher Education; you are not buying a piece of paper with no value. In the case of...
If I am accepted and if I pay the Jury and diploma fees, am I sure to get the "requested" Diploma?
No. Like in all Universities, you are never assured of the results of an examination. However, the admission committee will verify that you qualify for the VAE, especially in determining that you have the sufficient number of years of work.
Could I have a backdated diploma?
No! It is fraudulent to backdate a French degree!
Can I get my degree tomorrow?
No (non!) We are not a "Diploma Mill" and we follow a regulated evaluation procedure, which takes up to 3 months.
6 years of work experience or completion of one year of University studies + 3 years of work experience.
The total of University studies (Regular or/and through the work experience formula) should be 3 years.
M.A and MBA
The total of University studies (Regular or/and through the work experience formula) should be 5 Years.
6 years of professional experience after the Master, 12 years after a Bachelor and 21 years if you have no higher education diploma.
Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy
The total of University studies (regular or through the work experience formula) should be 8 years minimum.
Post Doctoral Degree
For Doctorate degree holders 8 (or equivalent) having done research.